A different blog: Life at the library
Finals are approaching and my stress level is at an all-time high. I haven't been going out a lot with my friends since, and I've been mostly spending my days at the library, so I thought it was only fitting to dedicate this blog post to the " library life" here at Tübingen University compared to HWS. Since we have a range of different students attending this university (from undergrad to masters to Ph.D.), school is taken very seriously here. The library opens at 8 am on weekdays and 10 am on the weekend. There are many libraries available around the city (there's a library for each department–for medicine, theology, computer science and mathematics, etc....). But the library I go to is for everyone and it's the largest one and the closest one to the city center. If I don't have class in the morning, I usually try to go as soon as it opens because if I arrive there too late, all the seats will be taken (at least all the good ones). And this is not an un...