A different blog: Life at the library
Finals are approaching and my stress level is at an all-time high. I haven't been going out a lot with my friends since, and I've been mostly spending my days at the library, so I thought it was only fitting to dedicate this blog post to the "library life" here at Tübingen University compared to HWS.
Since we have a range of different students attending this university (from undergrad to masters to Ph.D.), school is taken very seriously here. The library opens at 8 am on weekdays and 10 am on the weekend. There are many libraries available around the city (there's a library for each department–for medicine, theology, computer science and mathematics, etc....). But the library I go to is for everyone and it's the largest one and the closest one to the city center. If I don't have class in the morning, I usually try to go as soon as it opens because if I arrive there too late, all the seats will be taken (at least all the good ones). And this is not an understatement, students literally line up at the entrance at 8:00 a.m. waiting for the library to open (especially now that finals are around the corner).
The first time I encountered this was last week. I decided to head to the library just before 8:00 a.m. to get some coffee on the way. To my surprise, there were around 30 students waiting at the entrance for the library to open (and it was raining!). This made me think about how seriously Germans take their education. I was really surprised but also quite appreciative. I was glad I got to experience such a cool and intriguing culture.
Here's a picture that captures a glimpse of what the "library life" looks like:
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